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{{Infobox locomotive
|Scale=HO Scale
|Power Type=none
|Decoder Type=DSV-1
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; vertical-align:top !important;"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; vertical-align:top !important;"
  ! scope="col" |Sound Button Mapping
  ! scope="col"| Button Mapping  
! scope="col" |Light Button Mapping and Effects
  ! scope="col"| Sounds List  
  ! scope="col" |Sounds List
  |- style="vertical-align:top;
  |- style="vertical-align:top;"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; vertical-align:top !important;"
{{Button Mapping Paged
|function 0 sound=None
|function 0 light=Constant Bright - Reverse Only - Lamp 0F
|function 0 dual=N/A
|function 1 sound=Air Compressor
|function 1 light=Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 1
|function 1 dual=N/A
|function 2 sound=Air Spitter
|function 2 light=Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 2
|function 2 dual=N/A
|function 3 sound=None
|function 3 light=Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 3
|function 3 dual=N/A
|function 4 sound=None
|function 4 light=Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 4
|function 4 dual=N/A
|function 5 sound=Dynamic Brake
|function 5 light=Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 5
|function 5 dual=False
|function 6 sound=Brake Release
|function 6 light=Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 6
|function 6 dual=False
|function 7 sound=Brake Squeal
|function 7 light=Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 7
|function 7 dual=False
|function 8 sound=1x Press Mute/Unmute <br> 2x Press rotate light/sound mode or page <br> 4x Press Audio Assist TM
|function 8 light=None
|function 8 dual=Yes
|function 9 sound=Rotate Whistle
|function 9 light=Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 9
|function 9 dual=False
|function 10 sound=Manual Notch Up
|function 10 light=Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 10
|function 10 dual=False
|function 11 sound=Manual Notch Down
|function 11 light=None
|function 11 dual=False
|function 12 sound=Prime Mover Ignition
|function 12 light=None
|function 12 dual=False
|function 13 sound=Coupler Clank
|function 13 light=None
|function 13 dual=False
|function 14 sound=Coupler Clank
|function 14 light=None
|function 14 dual=False
|function 15 sound=Momentum
|function 15 light=None
|function 15 dual=False
|function 16 sound=Crew Alert
|function 16 light=None
|function 16 dual=True
|function 17 sound=Windshield Wipers
|function 17 light=None
|function 17 dual=False
|function 18 sound=1x Press Mute/Unmute <br> 2x Press rotate light/sound mode or page <br> 4x Press Audio Assist TM
|function 18 light=None
|function 18 dual=Yes
|function 19 sound=None
|function 19 light=None
|function 19 dual=N/A
|function 20 sound=None
|function 20 light=None
|function 20 dual=N/A
|function 21 sound=None
|function 21 light=None
|function 21 dual=N/A
|function 22 sound=None
|function 22 light=None
|function 22 dual=N/A
|function 23 sound=None
|function 23 light=None
|function 23 dual=N/A
|function 24 sound=None
|function 24 light=None
|function 24 dual=N/A
|function 25 sound=None
|function 25 light=None
|function 25 dual=N/A
|function 26 sound=None
|function 26 light=None
|function 26 dual=N/A
|function 27 sound=None
|function 27 light=None
|function 27 dual=N/A
|function 28 sound=1x Press Mute/Unmute <br> 2x Press rotate light/sound mode or page <br> 4x Press Audio Assist TM
|function 28 light=None
|function 28 dual=Yes
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; vertical-align:top !important;"
! scope="col"| Sound Type
! scope="col"| Sound Number
! scope="col"| High Byte
! scope="col"| Low Byte
! scope="col"| Sounds Available
|air compressor
|ALCO 251 compressor #503
|EMD645 non turbo SW1500 #1567 Phillipsburg Air Compressor
|EMD645 non turbo SW1500 #1567 Phillipsburg Air Compressor 2
|GE Compressor
|PNE SD40_2 #5342 compressor 2
|VO 1000 Air Compressor
|air spitter
|U25B Air Spit
|SD70MAC BNSF #9481 air spit
|SD40_2 air spit 1
|SD40_2 air spit 2
|Air Spitters P.N.E. SD40_2
|Air Spit
|Fairbanks Morris bell
|Galloping Goose #3 bell
|GE 45 tonner bell
|GP20 WP #2100 bell
|Conrail Num 2233 GP30 air powered bell
|Niles Canyon Mongo speeder bell
|PRR GG1 bell
|Quincy RR SW8 #1100 bell
|Richmond Pacific SW900 bell
|RSD1 #1956 Bell
|RSD12 #2958 bell
|Santa Catalina JLA2 Critter 103 bell
|SMS AS616 #554 608A Bell
|Southern Pacific 1423 bell
|Southern Pacific 3100 bell
|Southern Pacific 5472 bell
|Southern Pacific 5623 bell
|VO 1000 Bell
|Western Pacific 713 bell
|Western Pacific 918D F unit bell
|C&O Bell 1 from CF
|C&T 484 bell
|Heisler Class 53833 Num 4 Hand powered bell
|John Bull Replica hand powered bell
|Leetonia RR Shay Num 1
|Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co 1 from CF
|Lehigh Valley Bell 1 from CF
|Lehigh Valley Pacific Bell from CF
|Num 89 Air Power Bell
|Philadelphia and Reading Co Camelback #592 from CF
|PRR 280 H3 1187 Hand powered Bell
|PRR 280 H3 2846 air Powered Bell
|PRR 442 Num 7002 hand powered bell
|PRR bell 1 from CF
|PRR Num 1223 American 440 D16SB hand powered bell
|Reading 060 Num 1251 Tank engine air powered bell
|Reading Bell 1 from CF
|Reading Bell 2 from CF
|Reading Bell 3 from CF
|Richland Fredricksburg & Potomac from CF
|Strasburg 475 Air Powered bell
|Strasburg 475 Hand Powered bell
|Strasburg num 90 hand powered bell
|Strasburg num 90 hand powered double hit bell
|Tweetsie Bell
|Unknown bell 1 from CF
|Unknown bell from Strasburg museum floor
|Virginia Truckee RR 260 hand powered bell
|Williams Grove 060 bell
|brake release
|Brake Release
|Williams Grove 060 Brake Release
|brake squeal
|brake squeal 1
|brake squeal 2
|brake squeal 3
|brake squeal 4
|brake squeal 5
|brake squeal 6
|brake squeal 7
|brake squeal 8
|brake squeal 9
|brake squeal 10
|brake squeal 11
|brake squeal 12
|brake squeal 7
|brake squeal 8
|brake squeal 9
|brake squeal 10
|brake squeal 11
|brake squeal 12
|brake squeal 5
|brake squeal 6
|brake grinding to a stop 1
|brake grinding to a stop 2
|brake grinding to a stop 3
|brake grinding to a stop 4
|brake grinding to a stop 5
|brake grinding to a stop 6
|brake grinding to a stop 7
|brake grinding to a stop 8
|brake grinding to a stop 9
|brake grinding to a stop 10
|coupler clank
|VO 1000 coler clank closed
|VO 1000 coler clank open
|Strasburg 475 coling
|Strasburg 475 Passenger Car Uncoling
|crew alert
|Crew Alert
|dynamic brake
|Dynamic brakes
|Dynamic brakes medium
|Dynamic brakes high
|exhaust fan
|Exhaust Fan
|forward sound
|SMS AS616 #554 608A Horn Forward
|SMS DS44 750 #102 606NA Horn Forward
|SMS S12 #303 Horn Forward
|VO 1000 Single Chime Forward
|Fairbanks Morris Horn forward
|GE 45 tonner horn forward
|GE 80 tonner horn forward
|Southern Pacific 3100 Horn forward
|Hancock Air Whistle Forward
|Leslie 125 Forward
|Leslie 200 Forward
|Leslie 3 Chime Forward
|Leslie RS3 Forward
|Leslie RS3L Forward
|Leslie RS5T Forward
|Nathan K3 Forward
|Nathan K3H Forward
|Nathan K3H_1 Forward
|Nathan K3LA Forward
|Nathan K3LL Forward
|Nathan K5H Forward
|Nathan K5HL Forward
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Forward
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Forward
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn Forward
|Nathan K5LA Forward
|Strasburg 8618 SW8 Nathan K5LA horn forward
|Nathan K5LLA Forward
|Nathan M3 C.P. 1 Forward
|Nathan M3 C.P. 2 Forward
|Nathan M3 C.P. 3 Forward
|Nathan M3 Tilt Forward
|Nathan M5 Forward
|Nathan P3 forward
|Nathan P5 Chime Forward (Australia)
|Nathan P5A Forward
|Quincy RR SW8 #1100 horn forward
|RSD12 #2958 horn forward
|Galloping Goose #3 horn forward
|Wabco E2 3 Chime Horn Forward
|horn long
|SMS AS616 #554 608A Horn
|SMS DS44 750 #102 606NA Horn
|SMS S12 #303 Horn
|VO 1000 Single Chime
|Fairbanks Morris Horn
|GE 45 tonner horn
|GE 80 tonner horn
|Southern Pacific 3100 Horn
|Hancock Air Whistle
|Leslie 125
|Leslie 200
|Leslie 3 Chime
|Leslie RS3
|Leslie RS3L
|Leslie RS5T
|Nathan K3
|Nathan K3H
|Nathan K3H_1
|Nathan K3LA
|Nathan K3LL
|Nathan K5H
|Nathan K5HL
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn
|Nathan K5LA
|Strasburg 8618 SW8 Nathan K5LA
|Nathan K5LLA
|Nathan M3 C.P. 1
|Nathan M3 C.P. 2
|Nathan M3 C.P. 3
|Nathan M3 Tilt
|Nathan M5
|Nathan P3
|Nathan P5 Chime  (Australia)
|Nathan P5A
|Quincy RR SW8 #1100 horn
|RSD12 #2958 horn
|Galloping Goose #3 horn
|Wabco E2 3 Chime Horn
|horn quill
|SMS AS616 #554 608A Horn Quill Short
|SMS AS616 #554 608A Horn Quill Medium
|SMS AS616 #554 608A Horn Quill Long
|SMS DS44 750 #102 606NA Horn Quill Short
|SMS DS44 750 #102 606NA Horn Quill Medium
|SMS DS44 750 #102 606NA Horn Quill Long
|SMS S12 #303 Horn Quill Short
|SMS S12 #303 Horn Quill Medium
|SMS S12 #303 Horn Quill Long
|VO 1000 Single Chime Quill Short
|VO 1000 Single Chime Quill Medium
|VO 1000 Single Chime Quill Long
|Fairbanks Morris Horn quill
|Fairbanks Morris Horn quill 1
|Fairbanks Morris Horn quill 2
|GE 45 tonner horn quill
|GE 45 tonner horn quill 1
|GE 45 tonner horn quill
|GE 80 tonner horn quill
|GE 80 tonner horn quill 1
|GE 80 tonner horn quill
|Southern Pacific 3100 Horn quill
|Southern Pacific 3100 Horn quill 1
|Southern Pacific 3100 Horn quill
|Hancock Air Whistle Quill Short
|Hancock Air Whistle Quill Medium
|Hancock Air Whistle Quill Long
|Leslie 125 Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Leslie 125 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Leslie 125 Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Leslie 200 Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Leslie 200 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Leslie 200 Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Leslie 3 Chime Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Leslie 3 Chime Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Leslie 3 Chime Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Leslie RS3 Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Leslie RS3 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Leslie RS3 Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Leslie RS3L Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Leslie RS3L Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Leslie RS3L Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Leslie RS5T Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Leslie RS5T Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Leslie RS5T Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Nathan K3 Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Nathan K3 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Nathan K3 Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Nathan K3H Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Nathan K3H Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Nathan K3H Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Nathan K3H_1 Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Nathan K3H_1 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Nathan K3H_1 Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Nathan K3LA Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Nathan K3LA Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Nathan K3LA Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Nathan K3LL Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Nathan K3LL Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Nathan K3LL Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Nathan K5H Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Nathan K5H Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Nathan K5H Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Nathan K5HL Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Nathan K5HL Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Nathan K5HL Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Quill Short
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Quill Medium
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Quill Long
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Quill Short Doppler
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Quill Medium Doppler
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Quill Long Doppler
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn Quill Short
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn Quill Medium
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn Quill Long
|Nathan K5LA Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Nathan K5LA Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Nathan K5LA Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Strasburg 8618 SW8 Nathan K5LA horn quill
|Strasburg 8618 SW8 Nathan K5LA horn quill
|Strasburg 8618 SW8 Nathan K5LA horn quill
|Nathan K5LLA Grade Crosing Short Quill
|Nathan K5LLA Grade Crosing Medium Quill
|Nathan K5LLA Grade Crosing Long Quill
|Nathan M3 C.P. 1 Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Nathan M3 C.P. 1 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Nathan M3 C.P. 1 Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Nathan M3 C.P. 2 Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Nathan M3 C.P. 2 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Nathan M3 C.P. 2 Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Nathan M3 C.P. 3 Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Nathan M3 C.P. 3 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Nathan M3 C.P. 3 Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Nathan M3 Tilt Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Nathan M3 Tilt Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Nathan M3 Tilt Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Nathan M5 Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Nathan M5 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Nathan M5 Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Nathan P3 Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Nathan P3 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Nathan P3 quill
|Nathan P5 Chime Quill Short (Australia)
|Nathan P5 Chime Quill Medium (Australia)
|Nathan P5 Chime Quill Long (Australia)
|Nathan P5A Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Nathan P5A Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Nathan P5A Grade Crossing Long Quill
|Quincy RR SW8 #1100 horn quill
|Quincy RR SW8 #1100 horn quill 1
|Quincy RR SW8 #1100 horn quill 2
|RSD12 #2958 horn quill
|RSD12 #2958 horn quill
|RSD12 #2958 horn quill
|Galloping Goose #3 horn quill
|Galloping Goose #3 horn quill
|Galloping Goose #3 horn quill
|Wabco E2 3 Chime Grade Crossing Short Quill
|Wabco E2 3 Chime Grade Crossing Medium Quill
|Wabco E2 3 Chime Grade Crossing Long Quill
|horn short
|SMS AS616 #554 608A Horn Short
|SMS DS44 750 #102 606NA Horn Short
|SMS S12 #303 Horn Short
|VO 1000 Single Chime Short
|Fairbanks Morris Horn short
|GE 45 tonner horn short
|GE 80 tonner horn short
|Southern Pacific 3100 Horn short
|Hancock Air Whistle Short
|Leslie 125 Short
|Leslie 200 Short
|Leslie 3 Chime Short
|Leslie RS3 Short
|Leslie RS3L Short
|Leslie RS5T Short
|Nathan K3 Short
|Nathan K3H Short
|Nathan K3H_1 Short
|Nathan K3LA Short
|Nathan K3LL Short
|Nathan K5H Short
|Nathan K5HL Short
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Short
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Short
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn Short
|Nathan K5LA Short
|Strasburg 8618 SW8 Nathan K5LA horn short
|Nathan K5LLA Short
|Nathan M3 C.P. 1 Short
|Nathan M3 C.P. 2 Short
|Nathan M3 C.P. 3 Short
|Nathan M3 Tilt Short
|Nathan M5 Short
|Nathan P3 short
|Nathan P5 Chime Short (Australia)
|Nathan P5A Short
|Quincy RR SW8 #1100 horn short
|RSD12 #2958 horn short
|Galloping Goose #3 horn short
|Wabco E2 3 Chime Horn Short
|manual notch down
|Relay Notching Down
|manual notch up
|Relay Notching Up
|Switching Momentum
|Mainline Momentum
|prime mover
|ALCO 244 12 cylinder
|ALCO 251 turbo
|ALCO251 RS23 6 Cylinder OSR #503
|ALCO RS1 539T Catskill Mountian RR #401
|VO 1000 412 SMS Lines
|SMS S12 #303 606A
|DS44 750 #102 SMS Lines
|SMS AS616 #554 608A
|EMD 567BC 16
|EMD 567D2 16 Turbo
|EMD645 12 cylinder non turbo
|PNE SD40_2 #5342
|7FDL16 C39 dash 8
|7FDL16 C39 dash 8  to idle  bass equed
|GE GEVO ES44C4 BNSF Gillette Wyoming
|prime mover ignition
|ALCO 244 12 cylinder  to idle
|ALCO 244 12 cylinder
|ALCO 251 turbo  to idle
|ALCO 251 turbo
|ALCO251 RS23 6 Cylinder OSR #503  to idle
|ALCO251 RS23 6 Cylinder OSR #503
|ALCO RS1 539T Catskill Mountian RR #401  to idle
|ALCO RS1 539T Catskill Mountian RR #401
|VO 1000 412 SMS Lines  to Idle Long
|VO 1000 412 SMS Lines Shutdown
|SMS S12 #303 606A  to Idle Long
|SMS S12 #303 606A Shutdown
|DS44 750 #102 SMS Lines  to Idle
|DS44 750 #102 SMS Lines Shutdown
|SMS AS616 #554 608A  to Idle Long
|SMS AS616 #554 608A Shutdown
|EMD 567BC 16  to idle
|EMD 567BC 16
|EMD 567D2 16 Turbo  to idle
|EMD 567D2 16 Turbo
|EMD645 12 cylinder non turbo  to idle
|EMD645 12 cylinder non turbo
|EMD645 12 cylinder non turbo
|EMD645 12 cylinder non turbo
|PNE SD40_2 #5342  Up to idle
|PNE SD40_2 #5342
|SD70ACE  to idle
|U25B  to idle
|7FDL16 C39 dash 8  to idle  bass equed
|7FDL16 C39 dash 8  bass equed
|7FDL16 C39 dash 8  bass equed
|GE GEVO ES44C4 BNSF Gillette Wyoming  to idle
|GE GEVO ES44C4 BNSF Gillette Wyoming
|reverse sound
|SMS AS616 #554 608A Horn Reverse
|SMS DS44 750 #102 606NA Horn Reverse
|SMS S12 #303 Horn Reverse
|VO 1000 Single Chime Reverse
|Fairbanks Morris Horn reverse
|GE 45 tonner horn reverse
|GE 80 tonner horn reverse
|Southern Pacific 3100 Horn reverse
|Hancock Air Whistle Reverse
|Leslie 125 Reverse
|Leslie 200 Reverse
|Leslie 3 Chime Reverse
|Leslie RS3 Reverse
|Leslie RS3L Reverse
|Leslie RS5T Reverse
|Nathan K3 Reverse
|Nathan K3H Reverse
|Nathan K3H_1 Reverse
|Nathan K3LA Reverse
|Nathan K3LL Reverse
|Nathan K5H Reverse
|Nathan K5HL Reverse
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Reverse
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Reverse
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn Reverse
|Nathan K5LA Reverse
|Strasburg 8618 SW8 Nathan K5LA horn reverse
|Nathan K5LLA Reverse
|Nathan M3 C.P. 1 Reverse
|Nathan M3 C.P. 2 Reverse
|Nathan M3 C.P. 3 Reverse
|Nathan M3 Tilt Reverse
|Nathan M5 Reverse
|Nathan P3 reverse
|Nathan P5 Chime Reverse (Australia)
|Nathan P5A Reverse
|Quincy RR SW8 #1100 horn reverse
|RSD12 #2958 horn reverse
|Galloping Goose #3 horn reverse
|Wabco E2 3 Chime Horn Reverse
|rotate whistle
|Baldwin AS616
|Baldwin DS44 750
|Baldwin S12
|Baldwin VO 1000
|Fairbanks Morse Nathan 3 chime
|GE 45 tonner single chime
|GE 80 tonner single chime
|GE U boat 3 chime
|Hancock Air Whistle
|Leslie 125
|Leslie 200 Single Note
|Leslie 3 Chime
|Leslie RS3
|Leslie RS3L
|Leslie RS5T
|Nathan K3
|Nathan K3H
|Nathan K3H
|Nathan K3LA
|Nathan K3LL
|Nathan K5H
|Nathan K5HL
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Doppler
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn
|Nathan K5LA Horn
|Nathan K5LA Horn
|Nathan K5LLA
|Nathan M3
|Nathan M3
|Nathan M3
|Nathan M3 Tilt
|Nathan M5
|Nathan P3
|Nathan P5 Australian
|Nathan P5A
|Quincy RR SW8 #1100 3 chime
|Southern Pacific ALCO RSD12 #2958 3 chime
|Wabco 2 chime from galloping goose #3
|Wabco E2 3 Chime
|stop sound
|SMS AS616 #554 608A Horn
|SMS DS44 750 #102 606NA Horn
|SMS S12 #303 Horn
|VO 1000 Single Chime
|Fairbanks Morris Horn stop
|GE 45 tonner horn stop
|GE 80 tonner horn stop
|Southern Pacific 3100 Horn stop
|Hancock Air Whistle
|Leslie 125
|Leslie 200
|Leslie 3 Chime
|Leslie RS3
|Leslie RS3L
|Leslie RS5T
|Nathan K3
|Nathan K3H
|Nathan K3H_1
|Nathan K3LA
|Nathan K3LL
|Nathan K5H
|Nathan K5HL
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn
|Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn
|Nathan K5LA
|Strasburg 8618 SW8 Nathan K5LA horn stop
|Nathan K5LLA
|Nathan M3 C.P. 1
|Nathan M3 C.P. 2
|Nathan M3 C.P. 3
|Nathan M3 Tilt
|Nathan M5
|Nathan P3 stop
|Nathan P5 Chime  (Australia)
|Nathan P5A
|Quincy RR SW8 #1100 horn stop
|RSD12 #2958 horn stop
|Galloping Goose #3 horn stop
|Wabco E2 3 Chime Horn
|windshield wipers
|Windshield Wiper
|audio assist
|Welcome to
|Main Menu
|Sound Options Menu
|Main Volume Menu
|Master Volume Menu
|Sound Type Volume Menu
|Assign Sounds to Buttons Menu
|Locomotive Type Selection Menu
|ALCO 244 Turbocharged
|ALCO 251 Turbocharged 1
|ALCO 251 Turbocharged 2
|ALCO 539 Turbocharged
|Baldwin 8VO
|Baldwin 606A
|Baldwin 606NA
! scope="col" |Function Button
! scope="col" |Sound Type
! scope="col" |Dual Enabled
|Baldwin 608A
|EMD 567 Non Turbo
|EMD 567 Turbocharged
|Horn Long
|EMD 645 Non Turbo locomotive 1
|Exhaust Fan
|EMD 645 Non Turbo locomotive 2
|EMD 645 Non Turbo locomotive 3
|Horn Quill
|EMD 645 Turbocharged
|EMD 710 Turbocharged
|GE FDL16 Turbocharged
|Prime Mover Ignition
|GE 7FDL16 Turbocharged 1
|GE 7FDL16 Turbocharged 2
|Brake Squeal
|Rotate Whistle
|Two Primemovers Active
|One Primemover Active
|Fairbanks Morse
|Coming Soon
|Lighting Control Main Menu V5
|Manual Notch Up
|Lighting Effects Main Menu
|Manual Notch Down
|auto mars
|Air Spitter
|brake lights
|Air Compressor
|constant bright
|constant dim
|Custom Light 1
|Custom Light 2
|Ditch Light Side 1
|Ditch Light Side 2
|Air Compressor
|double pulse strobe
|Air Spitter
|Firebox Flicker
|Air Spitter
|flashing FRED
|gyra light
|mars light
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; vertical-align:top !important;"
! scope="col" |Lamp - Pin
! scope="col" |Function Button
! scope="col" |Lighting Effect
! scope="col" |Directionality
! scope="col" |Dual Enabled
|rotary beacon new style
|Lamp 0F / Pin 8
|Rule 17
|Fwd Only
|rotary beacon old style
|Lamp 0R / Pin 7
|Constant Bright
|Fwd Only
|rule 17
|Lamp 1 / Pin 15
|Rule 17
|Reverse Only
|single pulse strobe
|Lamp 2 / Pin 14
|Constant Bright
|Both Directions
|Function Remapping Menu V5
|Lamp 3 / Pin 13
|Constant Bright
|Both Directions
|Output 0 forward White
|Lamp 4 / Pin 4
|Constant Bright
|Both Directions
|Output 0 Reverse Yel
|Lamp 5 / Pin 17
|Constant Bright
|Both Directions
|Output 1 Green
|Lamp 6 / Pin 3
|Constant Bright
|Both Directions
|Output 2 Purple
|Lamp 7 / Pin 2
|Constant Bright
|Both Directions
|Output 3 Brown
|Lamp 8 / Pin 1
|Ditch Light Side 1
|Fwd Only
|Output 4 Pink
|Lamp 9 / Pin 6
|Constant Bright
|Both Directions
|Output 5 Pink and Purple
|Lamp 10 / Pin 5
|Constant Bright
|Fwd Only
|Output 6 Green and Brown
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; vertical-align:top !important;"
! scope="col" |Sound Type
! scope="col" |Sounds Available
|Output 7
|air compressor
|M420 ALCO 251C V12 Turbo OCTRR num 3568 Compressor
|Output 8
|air spitter
|M420 ALCO 251C V12 Turbo OCTRR num 3568 Air Spitter 5
|Output 9
|M420 ALCO 251C V12 Turbo OCTRR num 3568 Air Spitter 5
|Output 10
|M420 ALCO 251C V12 Turbo OCTRR num 3568 Air Spitter 6
|Motor Control Main Menu
|M420 ALCO 251C V12 Turbo OCTRR num 3568 Bell
|Trim Menu
|Rapido ALCO PA Bell 2
|Calibration Step 1 menu
|brake release
|Brake Release
|Calibrating Please Wait
|Williams Grove 060 Brake Release
|Calibration Step 2 menu
|brake squeal
|brake squeal 1
|Calibration complete
|brake squeal 2
|Calibration Error
|brake squeal 3
|Calibration Error
|brake squeal 4
|Other Options Main Menu V5
|brake squeal 5
|Throttle Type Menu
|brake squeal 6
|Throttle Types Explained
|brake squeal 7
|Traditional Throttle operation
|brake squeal 8
|Prototype throttle operation
|brake squeal 9
|Manual Notching Operation
|brake squeal 10
|User presets menu
|brake squeal 11
|Sound preset 1
|brake squeal 12
|Sound preset 2
|brake squeal 7
|Sound preset 3
|brake squeal 8
|preset loaded
|brake squeal 9
|User Presets Explanation
|brake squeal 10
|Factory Reset Menu
|brake squeal 11
|Reset Complete
|brake squeal 12
|brake squeal 5
|Sound Disabled
|brake squeal 6
|Air Compressor
|brake grinding to a stop 1
|Air Spitter
|brake grinding to a stop 2
|brake grinding to a stop 3
|Brake Release
|brake grinding to a stop 4
|Brake Squeal
|brake grinding to a stop 5
|Coler Clank
|brake grinding to a stop 6
|Crew Alert
|brake grinding to a stop 7
|Direction Change
|brake grinding to a stop 8
|Dynamic Brake
|brake grinding to a stop 9
|Exhaust Fan
|brake grinding to a stop 10
|Forward Sound
|crew alert
|Crew Alert
|Horn Long
|dynamic brake
|Dynamic brakes
|Horn Quill
|exhaust fan
|Flange squeal 1
|Horn Short
|forward sound
|M420 ALCO 251C V12 Turbo OCTRR num 3568 Horn Forward
|Manual Notch Down
|horn long
|M420 ALCO 251C V12 Turbo OCTRR num 3568 Horn
|Manual Notch Up
|horn quill
|M420 ALCO 251C V12 Turbo OCTRR num 3568 Quill short
|horn short
|M420 ALCO 251C V12 Turbo OCTRR num 3568 short blast
|manual notch down
|Relay Notching Down
|manual notch up
|Relay Notching Up
|Prime Mover Ignition
|Switching Momentum
|Reverse Sound
|Mainline Momentum
|Rotate Whistle
|prime mover
|M420 ALCO 251C V12 Turbo OCTRR num 3568
|Sanding Valve
|prime mover ignition
|M420 ALCO 251C V12 Turbo OCTRR num 3568
|reverse sound
|M420 ALCO 251C V12 Turbo OCTRR num 3568 Reverse
|Windshield Wipers
|rotate whistle
|Nathan M3H
|stop sound
|M420 ALCO 251C V12 Turbo OCTRR num 3568 Horn
|audio assist
|over temperature warning
|decoder no er overheated
|Sound Mode Active
|Light Mode Active
|SD Card Read Error
|warning motor fault
|warning lighting fault
|Code F Error
|SPI Error
|Bounds Error
|warning decoder lock is enabled
[[File:Speed table.svg|thumb|1467x1467px|Complete Speed Table]]

Latest revision as of 17:09, 25 November 2020

OEM Test Page
Inner court of Palazzo Genovese in Salerno.jpg
Model Information
ScaleHO Scale
Power Typenone
Decoder Information
Decoder TypeDSV-1
Prototype Info
Button Mapping Sounds List
Button Mappings
Function Button Sound Action Light Action Dual Enabled Page and Button
0 None Constant Bright - Reverse Only - Lamp 0F N/A Page 1 Button 0
1 Air Compressor Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 1 N/A Page 1 Button 1
2 Air Spitter Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 2 N/A Page 1 Button 2
3 None Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 3 N/A Page 1 Button 3
4 None Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 4 N/A Page 1 Button 4
5 Dynamic Brake Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 5 False Page 1 Button 5
6 Brake Release Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 6 False Page 1 Button 6
7 Brake Squeal Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 7 False Page 1 Button 7
8 1x Press Mute/Unmute
2x Press rotate light/sound mode or page
4x Press Audio Assist TM
None Yes Page 1 Button 8
9 Rotate Whistle Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 9 False Page 1 Button 9
10 Manual Notch Up Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 10 False Page 2 Button 0
11 Manual Notch Down None False Page 2 Button 1
12 Prime Mover Ignition None False Page 2 Button 2
13 Coupler Clank None False Page 2 Button 3
14 Coupler Clank None False Page 2 Button 4
15 Momentum None False Page 2 Button 5
16 Crew Alert None True Page 2 Button 6
17 Windshield Wipers None False Page 2 Button 7
18 1x Press Mute/Unmute
2x Press rotate light/sound mode or page
4x Press Audio Assist TM
None Yes Page 2 Button 8
19 None None N/A Page 2 Button 9
20 None None N/A Page 3 Button 0
21 None None N/A Page 3 Button 1
22 None None N/A Page 3 Button 2
23 None None N/A Page 3 Button 3
24 None None N/A Page 3 Button 4
25 None None N/A Page 3 Button 5
26 None None N/A Page 3 Button 6
27 None None N/A Page 3 Button 7
28 1x Press Mute/Unmute
2x Press rotate light/sound mode or page
4x Press Audio Assist TM
None Yes Page 3 Button 8
Sound Type Sound Number High Byte Low Byte Sounds Available
air compressor 0 0 0 ALCO 251 compressor #503
1 0 1 EMD645 non turbo SW1500 #1567 Phillipsburg Air Compressor
2 0 2 EMD645 non turbo SW1500 #1567 Phillipsburg Air Compressor 2
3 0 3 GE Compressor
4 0 4 PNE SD40_2 #5342 compressor 2
5 0 5 VO 1000 Air Compressor
air spitter 6 0 6 U25B Air Spit
7 0 7 SD70MAC BNSF #9481 air spit
8 0 8 SD40_2 air spit 1
9 0 9 SD40_2 air spit 2
10 0 10 Air Spitters P.N.E. SD40_2
11 0 11 Air Spit
bell 12 0 12 Ebell
13 0 13 Fairbanks Morris bell
14 0 14 Galloping Goose #3 bell
15 0 15 GE 45 tonner bell
16 0 16 GP20 WP #2100 bell
17 0 17 Conrail Num 2233 GP30 air powered bell
18 0 18 Niles Canyon Mongo speeder bell
19 0 19 PRR GG1 bell
20 0 20 Quincy RR SW8 #1100 bell
21 0 21 Richmond Pacific SW900 bell
22 0 22 RSD1 #1956 Bell
23 0 23 RSD12 #2958 bell
24 0 24 Santa Catalina JLA2 Critter 103 bell
25 0 25 SMS AS616 #554 608A Bell
26 0 26 Southern Pacific 1423 bell
27 0 27 Southern Pacific 3100 bell
28 0 28 Southern Pacific 5472 bell
29 0 29 Southern Pacific 5623 bell
30 0 30 VO 1000 Bell
31 0 31 Western Pacific 713 bell
32 0 32 Western Pacific 918D F unit bell
33 0 33 C&O Bell 1 from CF
34 0 34 C&T 484 bell
35 0 35 Heisler Class 53833 Num 4 Hand powered bell
36 0 36 John Bull Replica hand powered bell
37 0 37 Leetonia RR Shay Num 1
38 0 38 Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co 1 from CF
39 0 39 Lehigh Valley Bell 1 from CF
40 0 40 Lehigh Valley Pacific Bell from CF
41 0 41 Num 89 Air Power Bell
42 0 42 Philadelphia and Reading Co Camelback #592 from CF
43 0 43 PRR 280 H3 1187 Hand powered Bell
44 0 44 PRR 280 H3 2846 air Powered Bell
45 0 45 PRR 442 Num 7002 hand powered bell
46 0 46 PRR bell 1 from CF
47 0 47 PRR Num 1223 American 440 D16SB hand powered bell
48 0 48 Reading 060 Num 1251 Tank engine air powered bell
49 0 49 Reading Bell 1 from CF
50 0 50 Reading Bell 2 from CF
51 0 51 Reading Bell 3 from CF
52 0 52 Richland Fredricksburg & Potomac from CF
54 0 54 Strasburg 475 Air Powered bell
55 0 55 Strasburg 475 Hand Powered bell
56 0 56 Strasburg num 90 hand powered bell
57 0 57 Strasburg num 90 hand powered double hit bell
58 0 58 Tweetsie Bell
59 0 59 Unknown bell 1 from CF
60 0 60 Unknown bell from Strasburg museum floor
61 0 61 Virginia Truckee RR 260 hand powered bell
62 0 62 Williams Grove 060 bell
brake release 63 0 63 Brake Release
64 0 64 Williams Grove 060 Brake Release
brake squeal 65 0 65 brake squeal 1
66 0 66 brake squeal 2
67 0 67 brake squeal 3
68 0 68 brake squeal 4
69 0 69 brake squeal 5
70 0 70 brake squeal 6
71 0 71 brake squeal 7
72 0 72 brake squeal 8
73 0 73 brake squeal 9
74 0 74 brake squeal 10
75 0 75 brake squeal 11
76 0 76 brake squeal 12
77 0 77 brake squeal 7
78 0 78 brake squeal 8
79 0 79 brake squeal 9
80 0 80 brake squeal 10
81 0 81 brake squeal 11
82 0 82 brake squeal 12
83 0 83 brake squeal 5
84 0 84 brake squeal 6
85 0 85 brake grinding to a stop 1
86 0 86 brake grinding to a stop 2
87 0 87 brake grinding to a stop 3
88 0 88 brake grinding to a stop 4
89 0 89 brake grinding to a stop 5
90 0 90 brake grinding to a stop 6
91 0 91 brake grinding to a stop 7
92 0 92 brake grinding to a stop 8
93 0 93 brake grinding to a stop 9
94 0 94 brake grinding to a stop 10
coupler clank 95 0 95 VO 1000 coler clank closed
96 0 96 VO 1000 coler clank open
97 0 97 Strasburg 475 coling
98 0 98 Strasburg 475 Passenger Car Uncoling
crew alert 99 0 99 Crew Alert
dynamic brake 100 0 100 Dynamic brakes
101 0 101 Dynamic brakes medium
102 0 102 Dynamic brakes high
exhaust fan 103 0 103 Exhaust Fan
forward sound 104 0 104 SMS AS616 #554 608A Horn Forward
105 0 105 SMS DS44 750 #102 606NA Horn Forward
106 0 106 SMS S12 #303 Horn Forward
107 0 107 VO 1000 Single Chime Forward
108 0 108 Fairbanks Morris Horn forward
109 0 109 GE 45 tonner horn forward
110 0 110 GE 80 tonner horn forward
111 0 111 Southern Pacific 3100 Horn forward
112 0 112 Hancock Air Whistle Forward
113 0 113 Leslie 125 Forward
114 0 114 Leslie 200 Forward
115 0 115 Leslie 3 Chime Forward
116 0 116 Leslie RS3 Forward
117 0 117 Leslie RS3L Forward
118 0 118 Leslie RS5T Forward
119 0 119 Nathan K3 Forward
120 0 120 Nathan K3H Forward
121 0 121 Nathan K3H_1 Forward
122 0 122 Nathan K3LA Forward
123 0 123 Nathan K3LL Forward
124 0 124 Nathan K5H Forward
125 0 125 Nathan K5HL Forward
126 0 126 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Forward
126 0 126 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Forward
128 0 128 Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn Forward
129 0 129 Nathan K5LA Forward
130 0 130 Strasburg 8618 SW8 Nathan K5LA horn forward
131 0 131 Nathan K5LLA Forward
132 0 132 Nathan M3 C.P. 1 Forward
133 0 133 Nathan M3 C.P. 2 Forward
134 0 134 Nathan M3 C.P. 3 Forward
135 0 135 Nathan M3 Tilt Forward
136 0 136 Nathan M5 Forward
137 0 137 Nathan P3 forward
138 0 138 Nathan P5 Chime Forward (Australia)
139 0 139 Nathan P5A Forward
140 0 140 Quincy RR SW8 #1100 horn forward
141 0 141 RSD12 #2958 horn forward
142 0 142 Galloping Goose #3 horn forward
143 0 143 Wabco E2 3 Chime Horn Forward
horn long 144 0 144 SMS AS616 #554 608A Horn
145 0 145 SMS DS44 750 #102 606NA Horn
146 0 146 SMS S12 #303 Horn
147 0 147 VO 1000 Single Chime
148 0 148 Fairbanks Morris Horn
149 0 149 GE 45 tonner horn
150 0 150 GE 80 tonner horn
151 0 151 Southern Pacific 3100 Horn
152 0 152 Hancock Air Whistle
153 0 153 Leslie 125
154 0 154 Leslie 200
155 0 155 Leslie 3 Chime
156 0 156 Leslie RS3
157 0 157 Leslie RS3L
158 0 158 Leslie RS5T
159 0 159 Nathan K3
160 0 160 Nathan K3H
161 0 161 Nathan K3H_1
162 0 162 Nathan K3LA
163 0 163 Nathan K3LL
164 0 164 Nathan K5H
165 0 165 Nathan K5HL
166 0 166 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn
168 0 168 Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn
169 0 169 Nathan K5LA
170 0 170 Strasburg 8618 SW8 Nathan K5LA
171 0 171 Nathan K5LLA
172 0 172 Nathan M3 C.P. 1
173 0 173 Nathan M3 C.P. 2
174 0 174 Nathan M3 C.P. 3
175 0 175 Nathan M3 Tilt
176 0 176 Nathan M5
177 0 177 Nathan P3
178 0 178 Nathan P5 Chime (Australia)
179 0 179 Nathan P5A
180 0 180 Quincy RR SW8 #1100 horn
181 0 181 RSD12 #2958 horn
182 0 182 Galloping Goose #3 horn
183 0 183 Wabco E2 3 Chime Horn
horn quill 184 0 184 SMS AS616 #554 608A Horn Quill Short
185 0 185 SMS AS616 #554 608A Horn Quill Medium
186 0 186 SMS AS616 #554 608A Horn Quill Long
187 0 187 SMS DS44 750 #102 606NA Horn Quill Short
188 0 188 SMS DS44 750 #102 606NA Horn Quill Medium
189 0 189 SMS DS44 750 #102 606NA Horn Quill Long
190 0 190 SMS S12 #303 Horn Quill Short
191 0 191 SMS S12 #303 Horn Quill Medium
192 0 192 SMS S12 #303 Horn Quill Long
193 0 193 VO 1000 Single Chime Quill Short
194 0 194 VO 1000 Single Chime Quill Medium
195 0 195 VO 1000 Single Chime Quill Long
196 0 196 Fairbanks Morris Horn quill
197 0 197 Fairbanks Morris Horn quill 1
198 0 198 Fairbanks Morris Horn quill 2
199 0 199 GE 45 tonner horn quill
200 0 200 GE 45 tonner horn quill 1
201 0 201 GE 45 tonner horn quill
202 0 202 GE 80 tonner horn quill
203 0 203 GE 80 tonner horn quill 1
204 0 204 GE 80 tonner horn quill
205 0 205 Southern Pacific 3100 Horn quill
206 0 206 Southern Pacific 3100 Horn quill 1
207 0 207 Southern Pacific 3100 Horn quill
208 0 208 Hancock Air Whistle Quill Short
209 0 209 Hancock Air Whistle Quill Medium
210 0 210 Hancock Air Whistle Quill Long
211 0 211 Leslie 125 Grade Crossing Short Quill
212 0 212 Leslie 125 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
213 0 213 Leslie 125 Grade Crossing Long Quill
214 0 214 Leslie 200 Grade Crossing Short Quill
215 0 215 Leslie 200 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
216 0 216 Leslie 200 Grade Crossing Long Quill
217 0 217 Leslie 3 Chime Grade Crossing Short Quill
218 0 218 Leslie 3 Chime Grade Crossing Medium Quill
219 0 219 Leslie 3 Chime Grade Crossing Long Quill
220 0 220 Leslie RS3 Grade Crossing Short Quill
221 0 221 Leslie RS3 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
222 0 222 Leslie RS3 Grade Crossing Long Quill
223 0 223 Leslie RS3L Grade Crossing Short Quill
224 0 224 Leslie RS3L Grade Crossing Medium Quill
225 0 225 Leslie RS3L Grade Crossing Long Quill
226 0 226 Leslie RS5T Grade Crossing Short Quill
227 0 227 Leslie RS5T Grade Crossing Medium Quill
228 0 228 Leslie RS5T Grade Crossing Long Quill
229 0 229 Nathan K3 Grade Crossing Short Quill
230 0 230 Nathan K3 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
231 0 231 Nathan K3 Grade Crossing Long Quill
232 0 232 Nathan K3H Grade Crossing Short Quill
233 0 233 Nathan K3H Grade Crossing Medium Quill
234 0 234 Nathan K3H Grade Crossing Long Quill
235 0 235 Nathan K3H_1 Grade Crossing Short Quill
236 0 236 Nathan K3H_1 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
237 0 237 Nathan K3H_1 Grade Crossing Long Quill
238 0 238 Nathan K3LA Grade Crossing Short Quill
239 0 239 Nathan K3LA Grade Crossing Medium Quill
240 0 240 Nathan K3LA Grade Crossing Long Quill
241 0 241 Nathan K3LL Grade Crossing Short Quill
242 0 242 Nathan K3LL Grade Crossing Medium Quill
243 0 243 Nathan K3LL Grade Crossing Long Quill
244 0 244 Nathan K5H Grade Crossing Short Quill
245 0 245 Nathan K5H Grade Crossing Medium Quill
246 0 246 Nathan K5H Grade Crossing Long Quill
247 0 247 Nathan K5HL Grade Crossing Short Quill
248 0 248 Nathan K5HL Grade Crossing Medium Quill
249 0 249 Nathan K5HL Grade Crossing Long Quill
250 0 250 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Quill Short
251 0 251 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Quill Medium
252 0 252 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Quill Long
253 0 253 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Quill Short Doppler
254 0 254 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Quill Medium Doppler
255 0 255 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Quill Long Doppler
256 1 0 Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn Quill Short
257 1 1 Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn Quill Medium
258 1 2 Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn Quill Long
259 1 3 Nathan K5LA Grade Crossing Short Quill
260 1 4 Nathan K5LA Grade Crossing Medium Quill
261 1 5 Nathan K5LA Grade Crossing Long Quill
262 1 6 Strasburg 8618 SW8 Nathan K5LA horn quill
263 1 7 Strasburg 8618 SW8 Nathan K5LA horn quill
264 1 8 Strasburg 8618 SW8 Nathan K5LA horn quill
265 1 9 Nathan K5LLA Grade Crosing Short Quill
266 1 10 Nathan K5LLA Grade Crosing Medium Quill
267 1 11 Nathan K5LLA Grade Crosing Long Quill
268 1 12 Nathan M3 C.P. 1 Grade Crossing Short Quill
269 1 13 Nathan M3 C.P. 1 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
270 1 14 Nathan M3 C.P. 1 Grade Crossing Long Quill
271 1 15 Nathan M3 C.P. 2 Grade Crossing Short Quill
272 1 16 Nathan M3 C.P. 2 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
273 1 17 Nathan M3 C.P. 2 Grade Crossing Long Quill
274 1 18 Nathan M3 C.P. 3 Grade Crossing Short Quill
275 1 19 Nathan M3 C.P. 3 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
276 1 20 Nathan M3 C.P. 3 Grade Crossing Long Quill
277 1 21 Nathan M3 Tilt Grade Crossing Short Quill
278 1 22 Nathan M3 Tilt Grade Crossing Medium Quill
279 1 23 Nathan M3 Tilt Grade Crossing Long Quill
280 1 24 Nathan M5 Grade Crossing Short Quill
281 1 25 Nathan M5 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
282 1 26 Nathan M5 Grade Crossing Long Quill
283 1 27 Nathan P3 Grade Crossing Short Quill
284 1 28 Nathan P3 Grade Crossing Medium Quill
285 1 29 Nathan P3 quill
286 1 30 Nathan P5 Chime Quill Short (Australia)
287 1 31 Nathan P5 Chime Quill Medium (Australia)
288 1 32 Nathan P5 Chime Quill Long (Australia)
289 1 33 Nathan P5A Grade Crossing Short Quill
290 1 34 Nathan P5A Grade Crossing Medium Quill
291 1 35 Nathan P5A Grade Crossing Long Quill
292 1 36 Quincy RR SW8 #1100 horn quill
293 1 37 Quincy RR SW8 #1100 horn quill 1
294 1 38 Quincy RR SW8 #1100 horn quill 2
295 1 39 RSD12 #2958 horn quill
296 1 40 RSD12 #2958 horn quill
297 1 41 RSD12 #2958 horn quill
298 1 42 Galloping Goose #3 horn quill
299 1 43 Galloping Goose #3 horn quill
300 1 44 Galloping Goose #3 horn quill
301 1 45 Wabco E2 3 Chime Grade Crossing Short Quill
302 1 46 Wabco E2 3 Chime Grade Crossing Medium Quill
303 1 47 Wabco E2 3 Chime Grade Crossing Long Quill
horn short 304 1 48 SMS AS616 #554 608A Horn Short
305 1 49 SMS DS44 750 #102 606NA Horn Short
306 1 50 SMS S12 #303 Horn Short
307 1 51 VO 1000 Single Chime Short
308 1 52 Fairbanks Morris Horn short
309 1 53 GE 45 tonner horn short
310 1 54 GE 80 tonner horn short
311 1 55 Southern Pacific 3100 Horn short
312 1 56 Hancock Air Whistle Short
313 1 57 Leslie 125 Short
314 1 58 Leslie 200 Short
315 1 59 Leslie 3 Chime Short
316 1 60 Leslie RS3 Short
317 1 61 Leslie RS3L Short
318 1 62 Leslie RS5T Short
319 1 63 Nathan K3 Short
320 1 64 Nathan K3H Short
321 1 65 Nathan K3H_1 Short
322 1 66 Nathan K3LA Short
323 1 67 Nathan K3LL Short
324 1 68 Nathan K5H Short
325 1 69 Nathan K5HL Short
326 1 70 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Short
326 1 70 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Short
328 1 72 Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn Short
329 1 73 Nathan K5LA Short
330 1 74 Strasburg 8618 SW8 Nathan K5LA horn short
331 1 75 Nathan K5LLA Short
332 1 76 Nathan M3 C.P. 1 Short
333 1 77 Nathan M3 C.P. 2 Short
334 1 78 Nathan M3 C.P. 3 Short
335 1 79 Nathan M3 Tilt Short
336 1 80 Nathan M5 Short
337 1 81 Nathan P3 short
338 1 82 Nathan P5 Chime Short (Australia)
339 1 83 Nathan P5A Short
340 1 84 Quincy RR SW8 #1100 horn short
341 1 85 RSD12 #2958 horn short
342 1 86 Galloping Goose #3 horn short
343 1 87 Wabco E2 3 Chime Horn Short
manual notch down 344 1 88 Relay Notching Down
manual notch up 345 1 89 Relay Notching Up
momentum 346 1 90 Switching Momentum
347 1 91 Mainline Momentum
prime mover 350 1 94 ALCO 244 12 cylinder
424 1 168 ALCO 251 turbo
498 1 242 ALCO251 RS23 6 Cylinder OSR #503
572 2 60 ALCO RS1 539T Catskill Mountian RR #401
646 2 134 VO 1000 412 SMS Lines
720 2 208 SMS S12 #303 606A
794 3 26 DS44 750 #102 SMS Lines
868 3 100 SMS AS616 #554 608A
942 3 174 EMD 567BC 16
1016 3 248 EMD 567D2 16 Turbo
1090 4 66 EMD645 12 cylinder non turbo
1312 5 32 PNE SD40_2 #5342
1386 5 106 SD70ACE
1460 5 180 U25B
1534 5 254 7FDL16 C39 dash 8
1607 6 71 7FDL16 C39 dash 8 to idle bass equed
1682 6 146 GE GEVO ES44C4 BNSF Gillette Wyoming
prime mover ignition 1755 6 219 ALCO 244 12 cylinder to idle
1756 6 220 ALCO 244 12 cylinder
1757 6 221 ALCO 251 turbo to idle
1758 6 222 ALCO 251 turbo
1759 6 223 ALCO251 RS23 6 Cylinder OSR #503 to idle
1760 6 224 ALCO251 RS23 6 Cylinder OSR #503
1761 6 225 ALCO RS1 539T Catskill Mountian RR #401 to idle
1762 6 226 ALCO RS1 539T Catskill Mountian RR #401
1763 6 227 VO 1000 412 SMS Lines to Idle Long
1764 6 228 VO 1000 412 SMS Lines Shutdown
1765 6 229 SMS S12 #303 606A to Idle Long
1766 6 230 SMS S12 #303 606A Shutdown
1767 6 231 DS44 750 #102 SMS Lines to Idle
1768 6 232 DS44 750 #102 SMS Lines Shutdown
1769 6 233 SMS AS616 #554 608A to Idle Long
1770 6 234 SMS AS616 #554 608A Shutdown
1771 6 235 EMD 567BC 16 to idle
1772 6 236 EMD 567BC 16
1773 6 237 EMD 567D2 16 Turbo to idle
1774 6 238 EMD 567D2 16 Turbo
1775 6 239 EMD645 12 cylinder non turbo to idle
1776 6 240 EMD645 12 cylinder non turbo
1778 6 242 EMD645 12 cylinder non turbo
1780 6 244 EMD645 12 cylinder non turbo
1781 6 245 PNE SD40_2 #5342 Up to idle
1782 6 246 PNE SD40_2 #5342
1783 6 247 SD70ACE to idle
1784 6 248 SD70ACE
1785 6 249 U25B to idle
1786 6 250 U25B
1787 6 251 7FDL16 C39 dash 8 to idle bass equed
1788 6 252 7FDL16 C39 dash 8 bass equed
1790 6 254 7FDL16 C39 dash 8 bass equed
1791 6 255 GE GEVO ES44C4 BNSF Gillette Wyoming to idle
1792 7 0 GE GEVO ES44C4 BNSF Gillette Wyoming
reverse sound 1793 7 1 SMS AS616 #554 608A Horn Reverse
1794 7 2 SMS DS44 750 #102 606NA Horn Reverse
1795 7 3 SMS S12 #303 Horn Reverse
1796 7 4 VO 1000 Single Chime Reverse
1797 7 5 Fairbanks Morris Horn reverse
1798 7 6 GE 45 tonner horn reverse
1799 7 7 GE 80 tonner horn reverse
1800 7 8 Southern Pacific 3100 Horn reverse
1801 7 9 Hancock Air Whistle Reverse
1802 7 10 Leslie 125 Reverse
1803 7 11 Leslie 200 Reverse
1804 7 12 Leslie 3 Chime Reverse
1805 7 13 Leslie RS3 Reverse
1806 7 14 Leslie RS3L Reverse
1807 7 15 Leslie RS5T Reverse
1808 7 16 Nathan K3 Reverse
1809 7 17 Nathan K3H Reverse
1810 7 18 Nathan K3H_1 Reverse
1811 7 19 Nathan K3LA Reverse
1812 7 20 Nathan K3LL Reverse
1813 7 21 Nathan K5H Reverse
1814 7 22 Nathan K5HL Reverse
1815 7 23 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Reverse
1815 7 23 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Reverse
1817 7 25 Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn Reverse
1818 7 26 Nathan K5LA Reverse
1819 7 27 Strasburg 8618 SW8 Nathan K5LA horn reverse
1820 7 28 Nathan K5LLA Reverse
1821 7 29 Nathan M3 C.P. 1 Reverse
1822 7 30 Nathan M3 C.P. 2 Reverse
1823 7 31 Nathan M3 C.P. 3 Reverse
1824 7 32 Nathan M3 Tilt Reverse
1825 7 33 Nathan M5 Reverse
1826 7 34 Nathan P3 reverse
1827 7 35 Nathan P5 Chime Reverse (Australia)
1828 7 36 Nathan P5A Reverse
1829 7 37 Quincy RR SW8 #1100 horn reverse
1830 7 38 RSD12 #2958 horn reverse
1831 7 39 Galloping Goose #3 horn reverse
1832 7 40 Wabco E2 3 Chime Horn Reverse
rotate whistle 1833 7 41 Baldwin AS616
1834 7 42 Baldwin DS44 750
1835 7 43 Baldwin S12
1836 7 44 Baldwin VO 1000
1837 7 45 Fairbanks Morse Nathan 3 chime
1838 7 46 GE 45 tonner single chime
1839 7 47 GE 80 tonner single chime
1840 7 48 GE U boat 3 chime
1841 7 49 Hancock Air Whistle
1842 7 50 Leslie 125
1843 7 51 Leslie 200 Single Note
1844 7 52 Leslie 3 Chime
1845 7 53 Leslie RS3
1846 7 54 Leslie RS3L
1847 7 55 Leslie RS5T
1848 7 56 Nathan K3
1849 7 57 Nathan K3H
1850 7 58 Nathan K3H
1851 7 59 Nathan K3LA
1852 7 60 Nathan K3LL
1853 7 61 Nathan K5H
1854 7 62 Nathan K5HL
1855 7 63 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn
1856 7 64 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn Doppler
1857 7 65 Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn
1858 7 66 Nathan K5LA Horn
1859 7 67 Nathan K5LA Horn
1860 7 68 Nathan K5LLA
1861 7 69 Nathan M3
1862 7 70 Nathan M3
1863 7 71 Nathan M3
1864 7 72 Nathan M3 Tilt
1865 7 73 Nathan M5
1866 7 74 Nathan P3
1867 7 75 Nathan P5 Australian
1868 7 76 Nathan P5A
1869 7 77 Quincy RR SW8 #1100 3 chime
1870 7 78 Southern Pacific ALCO RSD12 #2958 3 chime
1871 7 79 Wabco 2 chime from galloping goose #3
1872 7 80 Wabco E2 3 Chime
stop sound 1873 7 81 SMS AS616 #554 608A Horn
1874 7 82 SMS DS44 750 #102 606NA Horn
1875 7 83 SMS S12 #303 Horn
1876 7 84 VO 1000 Single Chime
1877 7 85 Fairbanks Morris Horn stop
1878 7 86 GE 45 tonner horn stop
1879 7 87 GE 80 tonner horn stop
1880 7 88 Southern Pacific 3100 Horn stop
1881 7 89 Hancock Air Whistle
1882 7 90 Leslie 125
1883 7 91 Leslie 200
1884 7 92 Leslie 3 Chime
1885 7 93 Leslie RS3
1886 7 94 Leslie RS3L
1887 7 95 Leslie RS5T
1888 7 96 Nathan K3
1889 7 97 Nathan K3H
1890 7 98 Nathan K3H_1
1891 7 99 Nathan K3LA
1892 7 100 Nathan K3LL
1893 7 101 Nathan K5H
1894 7 102 Nathan K5HL
1895 7 103 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn
1895 7 103 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn
1897 7 105 Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn
1898 7 106 Nathan K5LA
1899 7 107 Strasburg 8618 SW8 Nathan K5LA horn stop
1900 7 108 Nathan K5LLA
1901 7 109 Nathan M3 C.P. 1
1902 7 110 Nathan M3 C.P. 2
1903 7 111 Nathan M3 C.P. 3
1904 7 112 Nathan M3 Tilt
1905 7 113 Nathan M5
1906 7 114 Nathan P3 stop
1907 7 115 Nathan P5 Chime (Australia)
1908 7 116 Nathan P5A
1909 7 117 Quincy RR SW8 #1100 horn stop
1910 7 118 RSD12 #2958 horn stop
1911 7 119 Galloping Goose #3 horn stop
1912 7 120 Wabco E2 3 Chime Horn
windshield wipers 1913 7 121 Windshield Wiper
audio assist 1914 7 122 Welcome to
1915 7 123 Main Menu
1916 7 124 Sound Options Menu
1917 7 125 Main Volume Menu
1918 7 126 Master Volume Menu
1919 7 127 Sound Type Volume Menu
1920 7 128 Assign Sounds to Buttons Menu
1921 7 129 Locomotive Type Selection Menu
1922 7 130 ALCO 244 Turbocharged
1923 7 131 ALCO 251 Turbocharged 1
1924 7 132 ALCO 251 Turbocharged 2
1925 7 133 ALCO 539 Turbocharged
1926 7 134 Baldwin 8VO
1927 7 135 Baldwin 606A
1928 7 136 Baldwin 606NA
1929 7 137 Baldwin 608A
1930 7 138 EMD 567 Non Turbo
1931 7 139 EMD 567 Turbocharged
1932 7 140 EMD 645 Non Turbo locomotive 1
1933 7 141 EMD 645 Non Turbo locomotive 2
1934 7 142 EMD 645 Non Turbo locomotive 3
1935 7 143 EMD 645 Turbocharged
1936 7 144 EMD 710 Turbocharged
1937 7 145 GE FDL16 Turbocharged
1938 7 146 GE 7FDL16 Turbocharged 1
1939 7 147 GE 7FDL16 Turbocharged 2
1940 7 148 GE GEVO
1941 7 149 Two Primemovers Active
1942 7 150 One Primemover Active
1943 7 151 ALCO
1944 7 152 Baldwin
1945 7 153 EMD
1946 7 154 Fairbanks Morse
1947 7 155 GE
1948 7 156 Coming Soon
1949 7 157 Lighting Control Main Menu V5
1950 7 158 Lighting Effects Main Menu
1951 7 159 auto mars
1952 7 160 brake lights
1953 7 161 constant bright
1954 7 162 constant dim
1955 7 163 Custom Light 1
1956 7 164 Custom Light 2
1957 7 165 Ditch Light Side 1
1958 7 166 Ditch Light Side 2
1959 7 167 double pulse strobe
1960 7 168 Firebox Flicker
1961 7 169 flashing FRED
1962 7 170 gyra light
1963 7 171 mars light
1964 7 172 rotary beacon new style
1965 7 173 rotary beacon old style
1966 7 174 rule 17
1967 7 175 single pulse strobe
1968 7 176 Function Remapping Menu V5
1969 7 177 Output 0 forward White
1970 7 178 Output 0 Reverse Yel
1971 7 179 Output 1 Green
1972 7 180 Output 2 Purple
1973 7 181 Output 3 Brown
1974 7 182 Output 4 Pink
1975 7 183 Output 5 Pink and Purple
1976 7 184 Output 6 Green and Brown
1977 7 185 Output 7
1978 7 186 Output 8
1979 7 187 Output 9
1980 7 188 Output 10
1981 7 189 Motor Control Main Menu
1982 7 190 Trim Menu
1983 7 191 Calibration Step 1 menu
1984 7 192 Calibrating Please Wait
1985 7 193 Calibration Step 2 menu
1986 7 194 Calibration complete
1987 7 195 Calibration Error
1988 7 196 Calibration Error
1989 7 197 Other Options Main Menu V5
1990 7 198 Throttle Type Menu
1991 7 199 Throttle Types Explained
1992 7 200 Traditional Throttle operation
1993 7 201 Prototype throttle operation
1994 7 202 Manual Notching Operation
1995 7 203 User presets menu
1996 7 204 Sound preset 1
1997 7 205 Sound preset 2
1998 7 206 Sound preset 3
1999 7 207 preset loaded
2000 7 208 User Presets Explanation
2001 7 209 Factory Reset Menu
2002 7 210 Reset Complete
2003 7 211 Goodbye
2004 7 212 Sound Disabled
2005 7 213 Air Compressor
2006 7 214 Air Spitter
2007 7 215 Bell
2008 7 216 Brake Release
2009 7 217 Brake Squeal
2010 7 218 Coler Clank
2011 7 219 Crew Alert
2012 7 220 Direction Change
2013 7 221 Dynamic Brake
2014 7 222 Exhaust Fan
2015 7 223 Forward Sound
2016 7 224 Horn Long
2017 7 225 Horn Quill
2018 7 226 Horn Short
2019 7 227 Manual Notch Down
2020 7 228 Manual Notch Up
2021 7 229 Momentum
2022 7 230 Mute
2023 7 231 Primemover
2024 7 232 Prime Mover Ignition
2025 7 233 Reverse Sound
2026 7 234 Rotate Whistle
2027 7 235 Sanding Valve
2028 7 236 Sound
2029 7 237 Windshield Wipers
2030 7 238 January
2031 7 239 February
2032 7 240 March
2033 7 241 April
2034 7 242 May
2035 7 243 June
2036 7 244 July
2037 7 245 August
2038 7 246 September
2039 7 247 October
2040 7 248 November
2041 7 249 December
2042 7 250 0