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Line 954: Line 954:
|GE GEVO ES44C4 BNSF Gillette Wyoming
|prime mover ignition
|ALCO 244 12 cylinder  to idle
|ALCO 244 12 cylinder
|ALCO 251 turbo  to idle
|ALCO 251 turbo
|ALCO251 RS23 6 Cylinder OSR #503  to idle
|ALCO251 RS23 6 Cylinder OSR #503
|ALCO RS1 539T Catskill Mountian RR #401  to idle
|ALCO RS1 539T Catskill Mountian RR #401
|VO 1000 412 SMS Lines  to Idle Long
|VO 1000 412 SMS Lines Shutdown
|SMS S12 #303 606A  to Idle Long
|SMS S12 #303 606A Shutdown
|DS44 750 #102 SMS Lines  to Idle
|DS44 750 #102 SMS Lines Shutdown
|SMS AS616 #554 608A  to Idle Long
|SMS AS616 #554 608A Shutdown
|EMD 567BC 16  to idle
|EMD 567BC 16
|EMD 567D2 16 Turbo  to idle
|EMD 567D2 16 Turbo
|EMD645 12 cylinder non turbo  to idle
|EMD645 12 cylinder non turbo
|EMD645 12 cylinder non turbo
|EMD645 12 cylinder non turbo
|PNE SD40_2 #5342  Up to idle
|PNE SD40_2 #5342
|SD70ACE  to idle
|U25B  to idle
|7FDL16 C39 dash 8  to idle  bass equed
|7FDL16 C39 dash 8  bass equed
|7FDL16 C39 dash 8  bass equed
|GE GEVO ES44C4 BNSF Gillette Wyoming  to idle
|GE GEVO ES44C4 BNSF Gillette Wyoming  
|GE GEVO ES44C4 BNSF Gillette Wyoming  

Revision as of 21:29, 1 December 2020

Information on this wiki page is particular details about this model not found in our basic guide.

Bachmann FT
Inner court of Palazzo Genovese in Salerno.jpg
Model Information
ScaleHO Scale
Power Typenone
Decoder Information
Decoder TypeDSV-1
Prototype Info


overview content

Features include:

overview features content

Specific Features

specific features content

Button Mappings

The FT locomotive supports "function pagination." This makes it easy to access all 28 functions and all lighting effects on throttles with limited function access by adding an offset to the pressed function button (offset of 10 for function page 2, offset of 20 for function page 3. For example:

  • Press function 8 twice to rotate through the pages until the decoder announces "function page two."
  • Press function 5
  • The decoder will activate function 5 + 10 (page 2 offset) = 15

Note: the decoder supports accessing function 15 by pressing F15 on your throttle regardless of the currently selected function page.

Button Mappings
Function Button Sound Action Light Action Dual Enabled Page and Button
0 None Constant Bright - Reverse Only - Lamp 0F False Page 1 Button 0
1 Bell Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 1 False Page 1 Button 1
2 Horn Long Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 2 False Page 1 Button 2
3 Horn Short Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 3 False Page 1 Button 3
4 Horn Quill Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 4 False Page 1 Button 4
5 Dynamic Brake Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 5 False Page 1 Button 5
6 Brake Release Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 6 False Page 1 Button 6
7 Brake Squeal Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 7 False Page 1 Button 7
8 1x Press Mute/Unmute
2x Press rotate light/sound mode or page
4x Press Audio Assist TM
None True Page 1 Button 8
9 Rotate Whistle Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 9 False Page 1 Button 9
10 Manual Notch Up Constant Bright - Both Directions - Lamp 10 False Page 2 Button 0
11 Manual Notch Down None False Page 2 Button 1
12 Prime Mover Ignition None False Page 2 Button 2
13 Coupler Clank None False Page 2 Button 3
14 Coupler Clank None False Page 2 Button 4
15 Momentum None False Page 2 Button 5
16 Crew Alert None True Page 2 Button 6
17 Windshield Wipers None False Page 2 Button 7
18 1x Press Mute/Unmute
2x Press rotate light/sound mode or page
4x Press Audio Assist TM
None True Page 2 Button 8
19 None None False Page 2 Button 9
20 None None False Page 3 Button 0
21 None None False Page 3 Button 1
22 None None False Page 3 Button 2
23 None None False Page 3 Button 3
24 None None False Page 3 Button 4
25 None None False Page 3 Button 5
26 None None False Page 3 Button 6
27 None None False Page 3 Button 7
28 1x Press Mute/Unmute
2x Press rotate light/sound mode or page
4x Press Audio Assist TM
None True Page 3 Button 8
Random Sound Mapping
1 Air Compressor
2 Air Spitter
3 None
4 None

Sound list

Sound Type Sound Number High Byte Low Byte Sounds Available
air compressor 0 0 0 ALCO 251 compressor #503
1 0 1 EMD645 non turbo SW1500 #1567 Phillipsburg Air Compressor
2 0 2 EMD645 non turbo SW1500 #1567 Phillipsburg Air Compressor 2
3 0 3 GE Compressor
4 0 4 PNE SD40_2 #5342 compressor 2
5 0 5 VO 1000 Air Compressor
air spitter 6 0 6 U25B Air Spit
7 0 7 SD70MAC BNSF #9481 air spit
8 0 8 SD40_2 air spit 1
9 0 9 SD40_2 air spit 2
10 0 10 Air Spitters P.N.E. SD40_2
11 0 11 Air Spit
bell 12 0 12 Ebell
13 0 13 Fairbanks Morris bell
14 0 14 Galloping Goose #3 bell
15 0 15 GE 45 tonner bell
16 0 16 GP20 WP #2100 bell
17 0 17 Conrail Num 2233 GP30 air powered bell
18 0 18 Niles Canyon Mongo speeder bell
19 0 19 PRR GG1 bell
20 0 20 Quincy RR SW8 #1100 bell
21 0 21 Richmond Pacific SW900 bell
22 0 22 RSD1 #1956 Bell
23 0 23 RSD12 #2958 bell
24 0 24 Santa Catalina JLA2 Critter 103 bell
25 0 25 SMS AS616 #554 608A Bell
26 0 26 Southern Pacific 1423 bell
27 0 27 Southern Pacific 3100 bell
28 0 28 Southern Pacific 5472 bell
29 0 29 Southern Pacific 5623 bell
30 0 30 VO 1000 Bell
31 0 31 Western Pacific 713 bell
32 0 32 Western Pacific 918D F unit bell
33 0 33 C&O Bell 1 from CF
34 0 34 C&T 484 bell
35 0 35 Heisler Class 53833 Num 4 Hand powered bell
36 0 36 John Bull Replica hand powered bell
37 0 37 Leetonia RR Shay Num 1
38 0 38 Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co 1 from CF
39 0 39 Lehigh Valley Bell 1 from CF
40 0 40 Lehigh Valley Pacific Bell from CF
41 0 41 Num 89 Air Power Bell
42 0 42 Philadelphia and Reading Co Camelback #592 from CF
43 0 43 PRR 280 H3 1187 Hand powered Bell
44 0 44 PRR 280 H3 2846 air Powered Bell
45 0 45 PRR 442 Num 7002 hand powered bell
46 0 46 PRR bell 1 from CF
47 0 47 PRR Num 1223 American 440 D16SB hand powered bell
48 0 48 Reading 060 Num 1251 Tank engine air powered bell
49 0 49 Reading Bell 1 from CF
50 0 50 Reading Bell 2 from CF
51 0 51 Reading Bell 3 from CF
52 0 52 Richland Fredricksburg & Potomac from CF
54 0 54 Strasburg 475 Air Powered bell
55 0 55 Strasburg 475 Hand Powered bell
56 0 56 Strasburg num 90 hand powered bell
57 0 57 Strasburg num 90 hand powered double hit bell
58 0 58 Tweetsie Bell
59 0 59 Unknown bell 1 from CF
60 0 60 Unknown bell from Strasburg museum floor
61 0 61 Virginia Truckee RR 260 hand powered bell
62 0 62 Williams Grove 060 bell
brake squeal 65 0 65 brake squeal 1
66 0 66 brake squeal 2
67 0 67 brake squeal 3
68 0 68 brake squeal 4
69 0 69 brake squeal 5
70 0 70 brake squeal 6
71 0 71 brake squeal 7
72 0 72 brake squeal 8
73 0 73 brake squeal 9
74 0 74 brake squeal 10
75 0 75 brake squeal 11
76 0 76 brake squeal 12
77 0 77 brake squeal 7
78 0 78 brake squeal 8
79 0 79 brake squeal 9
80 0 80 brake squeal 10
81 0 81 brake squeal 11
82 0 82 brake squeal 12
83 0 83 brake squeal 5
84 0 84 brake squeal 6
85 0 85 brake grinding to a stop 1
86 0 86 brake grinding to a stop 2
87 0 87 brake grinding to a stop 3
88 0 88 brake grinding to a stop 4
89 0 89 brake grinding to a stop 5
90 0 90 brake grinding to a stop 6
91 0 91 brake grinding to a stop 7
92 0 92 brake grinding to a stop 8
93 0 93 brake grinding to a stop 9
94 0 94 brake grinding to a stop 10
coupler clank 95 0 95 VO 1000 coler clank closed
96 0 96 VO 1000 coler clank open
97 0 97 Strasburg 475 coling
98 0 98 Strasburg 475 Passenger Car Uncoling
dynamic brake 100 0 100 Dynamic brakes
101 0 101 Dynamic brakes medium
102 0 102 Dynamic brakes high
exhaust fan 103 0 103 Exhaust Fan
prime mover 350 1 94 ALCO 244 12 cylinder
424 1 168 ALCO 251 turbo
498 1 242 ALCO251 RS23 6 Cylinder OSR #503
572 2 60 ALCO RS1 539T Catskill Mountian RR #401
646 2 134 VO 1000 412 SMS Lines
720 2 208 SMS S12 #303 606A
794 3 26 DS44 750 #102 SMS Lines
868 3 100 SMS AS616 #554 608A
942 3 174 EMD 567BC 16
1016 3 248 EMD 567D2 16 Turbo
1090 4 66 EMD645 12 cylinder non turbo
1312 5 32 PNE SD40_2 #5342
1386 5 106 SD70ACE
1460 5 180 U25B
1534 5 254 7FDL16 C39 dash 8
1607 6 71 7FDL16 C39 dash 8 to idle bass equed
1682 6 146 GE GEVO ES44C4 BNSF Gillette Wyoming
stop sound 1873 7 81 SMS AS616 #554 608A Horn
1874 7 82 SMS DS44 750 #102 606NA Horn
1875 7 83 SMS S12 #303 Horn
1876 7 84 VO 1000 Single Chime
1877 7 85 Fairbanks Morris Horn stop
1878 7 86 GE 45 tonner horn stop
1879 7 87 GE 80 tonner horn stop
1880 7 88 Southern Pacific 3100 Horn stop
1881 7 89 Hancock Air Whistle
1882 7 90 Leslie 125
1883 7 91 Leslie 200
1884 7 92 Leslie 3 Chime
1885 7 93 Leslie RS3
1886 7 94 Leslie RS3L
1887 7 95 Leslie RS5T
1888 7 96 Nathan K3
1889 7 97 Nathan K3H
1890 7 98 Nathan K3H_1
1891 7 99 Nathan K3LA
1892 7 100 Nathan K3LL
1893 7 101 Nathan K5H
1894 7 102 Nathan K5HL
1895 7 103 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn
1895 7 103 Nathan K5LA ACS64 High Horn
1897 7 105 Nathan K5LA ACS64 Low Horn
1898 7 106 Nathan K5LA
1899 7 107 Strasburg 8618 SW8 Nathan K5LA horn stop
1900 7 108 Nathan K5LLA
1901 7 109 Nathan M3 C.P. 1
1902 7 110 Nathan M3 C.P. 2
1903 7 111 Nathan M3 C.P. 3
1904 7 112 Nathan M3 Tilt
1905 7 113 Nathan M5
1906 7 114 Nathan P3 stop
1907 7 115 Nathan P5 Chime (Australia)
1908 7 116 Nathan P5A
1909 7 117 Quincy RR SW8 #1100 horn stop
1910 7 118 RSD12 #2958 horn stop
1911 7 119 Galloping Goose #3 horn stop
1912 7 120 Wabco E2 3 Chime Horn
windshield wipers 1913 7 121 Windshield Wiper

CV Addendum (Standard CV's)

The FT follows the motor and lighting CV's as described in TCS's Comprehensive Programming Guide. Listed below are the CV's that have been modified for the FT decoder.

CV Value Effect
CV 1 15 Short Address
CV 2 24 Start Volts
CV 5 17 Top Volts
CV 6 5 Mid Volts
CV 11 30 Packet time-out Value
CV 24 12 Consist Deceleration Adjustment
CV 63 27 Ditch Light Holdover Reset
CV 154 12 Auto Notching High load Calibration

CV Addendum (Indexed CV's)

The FT follows the motor and lighting CV's as described in TCS's WOWDiesel Programming Guide. Listed below are the CV's that have been modified for the FT decoder.

CV31 CV32 CV Value Effect
16 0 276 24 None
16 0 310 27 I made this up
16 1 510 13 just testing


Video Here

Decoder Service and Repair

For service/repair, contact the Bachmann Service Department by visiting www.bachmanntrains.com/home-usa/service.php, calling 1-800-356-3910 (toll-free within the U.S. and Canada), or emailing service@bachmanntrains.com. Bachmann’s Service Department is available Monday thru Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM ET.

You can also send your locomotive to: Bachmann Trains Service Department 1400 East Erie Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19124

Please include a detailed description of your concern and complete contact information. For some service issues regarding DCC sound decoders, the Bachmann Service Department may forward your locomotive to TCS for resolution.