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Each value adds .35 Amps to the trip point, the value can go up to 15. giving a total range of 0 Amps to 5.25 Amps.
Each value adds .35 Amps to the trip point, the value can go up to 15. giving a total range of 0 Amps to 5.25 Amps.
== Example: ==
= Example: =
1.05 amp trip point when sitting idle<br>
1.05 amp trip point when sitting idle<br>

Revision as of 15:34, 20 September 2018

NMRA CV# 111
  • Beta test* Short Circuit Trip Point Base Value
Range of Values0-15
Default Value3

NMRA CV 111 - Beta testing short circuit trip point motor offset

This CV is temporarily used for beta testing. Only mess with this CV if you find the decoder talking to you and saying there is a motor or light short circuit when there isn't actually one. TCS allowed the trip point to be programmable by beta testers because we are assuming not all locomotives act alike and will need customizing. Once we get feedback from the Beta testers we will modify the default values, thanks for helping us figure out the best values!

CV111 controls how much current is needed to trigger a short circuit when the locomotive is sitting still. Additional amperage is allowed for when the motor is running, that is controlled by Short Circuit Motor Trip Point Offset.
Each value adds .35 Amps to the trip point, the value can go up to 15. giving a total range of 0 Amps to 5.25 Amps.


1.05 amp trip point when sitting idle

Baseline amperage allowance 1.05A / .35A per value = value of 3 in CV111

Having a lower trip point while sitting idle allows a short in the lighting circuity to be caught faster, giving more protection to lighting outputs, however if its too low a loud sound or having many lights turned on may give a false trigger.