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== NMRA CV 2 Vstart (Start Volts) ==
== NMRA CV 2 - Vstart (Start Volts) ==
CV 2 Adds an offset voltage to the motor so that the locomotive starts moving at a faster speed. This is useful for speed matching or for locomotives without BEMF.
CV 2 Adds an offset voltage to the motor so that the locomotive starts moving at a faster speed. This is useful for speed matching or for locomotives without BEMF.

Revision as of 19:21, 19 September 2018

Base Functionality
Range of Values0-255
Accepted ValuesAny

NMRA CV 2 - Vstart (Start Volts)

CV 2 Adds an offset voltage to the motor so that the locomotive starts moving at a faster speed. This is useful for speed matching or for locomotives without BEMF.

From the NMRA standard:

Vstart is used to define the voltage drive level used as the start voltage on the motor. The voltage drive levels shall correspond linearly to the voltage applied to the motor at speed step one, as a fraction of available rectified supply voltage. When the voltage drive level is equal to zero, there shall be zero voltage applied to the motor. When it is at maximum "11111111", the full available rectified voltage shall be applied.