Diesel Version 5:CV 21

From Train Control Systems Documentation
Revision as of 17:19, 2 October 2018 by Dan Mycio (talk | contribs)
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Consist Lighting Control for F1-F8
0-255Range of Values
Default Value255

NMRA CV 21 - Consist Lighting for Function 1 through Function 8

This CV is used to configure what functions will respond to user input on the consist address. This particular CV affects F1-F8. For each Bit a value of "1" indicates that the function will respond to instructions addressed to the consist address. A value of "0" indicates that the function will only respond to instructions addressed to the locomotive address. F1 is indicated by bit 0. F8 by bit 7.

To determine which functions are active, use the table below and combine the values of the functions you would like to have active, and program the sum into CV21. By default, all functions are active on the consist address.

Feature Value
Function 1 1
Function 2 2
Function 3 4
Function 4 6
Function 5 8
Function 6 16
Function 7 32
Function 8 64
