Diesel Version 5:DC Mode Operation

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Revision as of 16:05, 3 December 2020 by Johnd (talk | contribs)
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DC mode with sound support has been added to WOWSound decoders starting with V5

List of Features

  • The Automatic DC features can be enabled or disabled using the CV181 DC Mode Sounds CV (Note: a DCC system capable of programming CV's is required to adjust these features)
  • Automatic Bell starts when the loco starts and shuts off after reaching a set speed. The voltage level (speed) the bell shuts off at is controlled by CV120 DC Mode Auto Bell Cutoff voltage
  • Automatic Directional horns when stopping and starting
  • Grade Crossing quill - To play a grade crossing quill rapidly increase and the DC track voltage and bring it back down to where it was.
  • Smooth DC mode control - The BEMF algorithm runs during DC mode to keep the speed steady despite the unsteady voltages found in some DC mode power packs
  • Full light control - Control which lights are active in DC mode via CV13 DC Mode Lights F1-F8 and CV14 DC Mode Lights F9-F12
  • Adjustable Voltage settings to account for filtered and unfiltered DC power packs
    • The voltage at which the decoder starts to run the motors is controlled by CV119 - DC Mode Motor Start Voltage
      • If the decoder is power cycling and the audio is cutting out altogether increasing how much voltage difference there is between when the primemover turns on and when the engine starts to move with CV119 will resolve that problem
    • If the decoder is oscillating a lot between starting and stopping increasing the value in CV118 - DC Mode Motor Motor Hysteresis can resolve that.
  • Top speed adjustment - To account for the varying voltage outputs of various DC power packs CV 137 - DC Mode Max Voltage was created. The decoder sets its speed based not solely on the voltage level of the track but where it is within a range of voltages. If your Decoder max voltage is set for 16 volts but your power pack only puts out 14 volts the decoder will never reach it's top speed because it doesn't think its at full throttle. If that is the case decrease the value in CV137.