Diesel Version 5:CV 118

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DC Mode Motor Hysteresis
Range of Values0-255
Default Value15

NMRA CV 118 - DC Mode Motor Hysteresis

This CV is used to keep the prime mover from oscillating on and off while operating in DC mode.
Some DC power packs, particularly older ones, do not output a smooth DC voltage. Becuase of that sound decoder can become confused as to what the actual track voltage is. Since the decoder uses the track voltage in DC mode to determine how fast to go or what notch to be in this can goes things to change undesirably.
This CV helps to account for that. Once the WOWDiesel decoder decides the track voltage is high enough to run the motor and notch up the DC throttle must be turned to a lower votlage that the start voltage in order for the engine to actually stop. The great the value in this CV the lower the throttle must be turned to come to a stop. However to high a value may result in the WOWSound "browning out" (powering down) before notching to idle and stopping the motor.

If you find the locomotive stoping and starting or the automatic direction horns sounding without the throttle being adjusted, try increasing the value in this CV.
