Diesel Version 5:CV 19

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Consist Address
Range of Values0-255
Default Value0

NMRA CV 19 - Consist Address

This CV can be used to assign a second primary address to a locomotive for use in a consist, or "MU" arrangement. A value of 0 in this CV will disable the consist address. the consist address is made up of 7-bits, with Bit 7 indicating the relative direction of the unit within the consist. Values from 1 to 127 will operate the decoder on that address in the forward direction. An added value of 128 will reverse the operational direction.


The desired consist address is 10. One unit will be operating in forward, one unit will be operating in reverse. For the forward facing unit, CV 19 should be programmed with a value of 10. For the reverse facing unit, CV 19 should be programmed with a value of 138 (128 + 10).
