Electric Version5:WOWElectric Standard CV's

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This page lists the CV numbers and names for all of the standard NMRA CV's 1-256 used in the Version 5 WOWElectric decoder.

Can't find the configuration option you're looking for below? Take a look at the List of Indexed CV's

List of Standard CV's (CV 1 - 255)

CV Description
CV 1 Short Address (2-Digit Address)
CV 2 Start Volts (Vstart / "Boost")
CV 3 Acceleration Rate
CV 4 Deceleration Rate
CV 5 Top Volts (Vhigh / Limit)
CV 6 Mid Volts (Vmid)
CV 7 Manufacturer Version Number
CV 8 Manufacturer ID
CV 9 [Not Supported] Total PWM Period
CV 10 BEMF Cutout
CV 11 Packet Time
CV 12 [Not Supported] Power Source Conversion
CV 13 DC Mode Function Status F1-F8
CV 14 DC Mode Function Status F0 & F9-F12
CV 15 Decoder Lock (Key)
CV 16 Decoder Lock (Lock)
CV 17 Extended "Long" Address (High Byte)
CV 18 Extended "Long" Address (Low Byte)
CV 19 Consist Address
CV 20 [Not Supported] (Reserved by NMRA)
CV 21 Consist Function Control (F1-F8)
CV 22 Consist Function Control (F0 & F9-F12)
CV 23 Consist Acceleration Adjustment
CV 24 Consist Deceleration Adjustment
CV 25 [Not Supported] Speed Table Selection
CV 26 [Not Supported] (Reserved by NMRA)
CV 27 Decoder Automatic Stopping Configuration
CV 28 RailCom Configuration
CV 29 Configuration Data #1
CV 30 [Not Used] Error Information
CV 31 Indexed CV High Byte
CV 32 Indexed CV Low Byte
CV 33 F0F Remapping
CV 34 F0R Remapping
CV 35 F1 Remapping
CV 36 F2 Remapping
CV 37 F3 Remapping
CV 38 F4 Remapping
CV 39 F5 Remapping
CV 40 F6 Remapping
CV 41 F7 Remapping
CV 42 F8 Remapping
CV 43 F9 Remapping
CV 44 F10 Remapping
CV 45 [Not Used]
CV 46 [Not Used]
CV 47 [Not Used]
CV 48 [Not Used]
CV 49 F0F Lighting Effect
CV 50 F0R Lighting Effect
CV 51 F1 Lighting Effect
CV 52 F2 Lighting Effect
CV 53 F3 Lighting Effect
CV 54 F4 Lighting Effect
CV 55 F5 Lighting Effect
CV 56 F6 Lighting Effect
CV 57 F7 Lighting Effect
CV 58 F8 Lighting Effect
CV 59 F9 Lighting Effect
CV 60 F10 Lighting Effect
CV 61 Configuration Data #2
CV 62 [Not Used]
CV 63 Ditch Light Blink Holdover Time
CV 64 [Not Used]
CV 65 [Not Supported] Kick Start
CV 66 Forward Trim
CV 67 Speed Table Step 1
CV 68 Speed Table Step 2
CV 69 Speed Table Step 3
CV 70 Speed Table Step 4
CV 71 Speed Table Step 5
CV 72 Speed Table Step 6
CV 73 Speed Table Step 7
CV 74 Speed Table Step 8
CV 75 Speed Table Step 9
CV 76 Speed Table Step 10
CV 77 Speed Table Step 11
CV 78 Speed Table Step 12
CV 79 Speed Table Step 13
CV 80 Speed Table Step 14
CV 81 Speed Table Step 15
CV 82 Speed Table Step 16
CV 83 Speed Table Step 17
CV 84 Speed Table Step 18
CV 85 Speed Table Step 19
CV 86 Speed Table Step 20
CV 87 Speed Table Step 21
CV 88 Speed Table Step 22
CV 89 Speed Table Step 23
CV 90 Speed Table Step 24
CV 91 Speed Table Step 25
CV 92 Speed Table Step 26
CV 93 Speed Table Step 27
CV 94 Speed Table Step 28
CV 95 Reverse Trim
CV 96 (Reserved by NMRA)
CV 97 (Reserved by NMRA)
CV 98 (Reserved by NMRA)
CV 99 (Reserved by NMRA)
CV 100 (Reserved by NMRA)
CV 101 (Reserved by NMRA)
CV 102 (Reserved by NMRA)
CV 103 (Reserved by NMRA)
CV 104 (Reserved by NMRA)
CV 105 User Identification #1
CV 106 User Identification #2
CV 107 (Reserved by NMRA)
CV 108 (Reserved by NMRA)
CV 109 Decoder Type Specific Version Number
CV 110 Decoder Type Specific Version Number ( High Byte )
CV 111 Decoder Type Specific Version Number ( Low Byte )
CV 112 Auto Mars Maximum Speed
CV 113 Auto Mars Minimum Speed
CV 114 Automatic Audio Shutoff Timer
CV 115 Motor Delay Reset Time
CV 116 Sound Delay Reset Time
CV 117 Idling Sound Selection
CV 118 Traction Motor Selection
CV 119 Traction Motor Blower Selection
CV 120 Horn Selection
CV 121 Crew Alert Timer
CV 122 Bell Selection
CV 123 [Not Used]
CV 124 Ditch Light Blink Button Remapping
CV 125 Crew Alert Light Function
CV 126 Rule 17 Dimming Button Remapping
CV 127 [Not Used]
CV 128 Master Volume
CV 129 Acceleration Rate 2 Start Speed
CV 130 Acceleration Rate 2
CV 131 Acceleration Rate 3 Start Speed
CV 132 Acceleration Rate 3
CV 133 Switching Momentum Acceleration Rate
CV 134 Switching Momentum Deceleration Rate
CV 135 Mainline Momentum Acceleration Rate
CV 136 Mainline Momentum Deceleration Rate
CV 137 [Not Used]
CV 138 [Not Used] Throttle Mode Selection*********
CV 139 Random Sound Overall Timer
CV 140 Active Quill CV
CV 141 Random Sound 1 Frequency
CV 142 Random Sound 2 Frequency
CV 143 Random Sound 3 Frequency
CV 144 Random Sound 4 Frequency
CV 145 Random Sound Cutout Speed
CV 146 Deceleration Rate 2 Start Speed
CV 147 Deceleration Rate 2
CV 148 Deceleration Rate 3 Start Speed
CV 149 Deceleration Rate 3
CV 150 Traction Motor Pitch Adjustment
CV 151 Gearbox Pitch Adjustment
CV 152 [Not Used] Traction Motor Low Load Calibration********
CV 153 [Not Used]
CV 154 [Not Used] Traction Motor High Load Calibration********
CV 155 [Not Used]
CV 156 [Not Used]*******
CV 157 Traction Motor Minimum Volume
CV 158 Gearbox Minimum Volume
CV 159 [Not Used] Proto Notch Speed to Notch Ratio*******
CV 160 [Not Used] Proto Notch Speed Delta Ratio*******
CV 161 [Not Used] Proto Notch Load Sensitivity Ratio*******
CV 162 [Not Used] Proto Notch Hysteresis*******
CV 163 Traction Motor Stop Speed
CV 164 Gearbox Start Speed
CV 165 Traditional Throttle Mode Notch 1 Speed Step
CV 166 Traditional Throttle Mode Notch 2 Speed Step
CV 167 Traditional Throttle Mode Notch 3 Speed Step
CV 168 Traditional Throttle Mode Notch 4 Speed Step
CV 169 Traditional Throttle Mode Notch 5 Speed Step
CV 170 Traditional Throttle Mode Notch 6 Speed Step
CV 171 Traditional Throttle Mode Notch 7 Speed Step
CV 172 Traditional Throttle Mode Notch 8 Speed Step
CV 173 Auxiliary Input Duration of Output
CV 174 [Not Used]******
CV 175 [Not Used]******
CV 176 Sound Options #1******
CV 177 Sound Options #2******
CV 178 Automatic Sounds Options #1
CV 179 Automatic Sounds Options #2
CV 180 [Not Used]
CV 181 DC Mode Sound Configuration
CV 182 [Not Used]
CV 183 Train Brake Deceleration Rate 1
CV 184 Train Brake Deceleration Rate 2
CV 185 Train Brake Deceleration Rate 3
CV 186 Train Brake Deceleration Rate 4
CV 187 Train Brake Deceleration Rate 5
CV 188 Brake Grinding Activation Speed Step
CV 189 Dynamic Brake Minimum Speed
CV 190 Dynamic Brake Deceleration Rate
CV 191 Dynamic Brake Speed Decrement Amount
CV 192 [Not Used]******
CV 193 Automatic Bell Cutout Speed
CV 194 [Not Used]
CV 195 Air Compressor Volume
CV 196 Air Spitter Volume
CV 197 Bell Volume
CV 198 Brake Release
CV 199 Brake Squeal Volume
CV 200 Catenary Volume
CV 201 Cooling Fan Volume
CV 202 Coupler Clank Volume
CV 203 Crew Alert Volume
CV 204 Direction Change Volume
CV 205 Door Volume
CV 206 Dynamic Brake Volume
CV 207 Flange Squeal Volume
CV 208 Forward Horn Volume
CV 209 Long Horn Volume
CV 210 Quill Horn Volume
CV 211 Reverse Horn Volume
CV 212 Short Horn Volume
CV 213 Stop Horn Volume
CV 214 HVAC Volume
CV 215 Idling Sound Volume
CV 216 Independent Brake Volume
CV 217 Manual Notch Down (Relay Sound) Volume
CV 218 Manual Notch Up (Relay Sound) Volume
CV 219 Momentum Announcement Volume
CV 220 Mute Volume [Not Used]
CV 221 Prime Mover Volume
CV 222 Prime Mover Ignition Volume
CV 223 Rotate Feature Volume
CV 224 Sanding Valve Volume
CV 225 Arriving Announcement Volume
CV 226 Departing Announcement Volume
CV 227 Traction Motor Volume
CV 228 Traction Motor Blower Volume
CV 229 Gearbox Volume
CV 230 Whoosh Volume
CV 231 Windshield Wiper Volume
CV 232 Audio Assist Volume
CV 233 [Not Used]
CV 234 [Not Used]
CV 235 [Not Used]
CV 236 [Not Used]
CV 237 [Not Used]
CV 238 Dual Enabled Functions (F0-F7)
CV 239 Dual Enabled Functions (F8-F15)
CV 240 Dual Enabled Functions (F16-F23)
CV 241 Dual Enabled Functions (F24-F28)
CV 242 Audio Assist Button Remapping
CV 243 "Drive Hold" Button Remapping
CV 244 BEMF Routine Frequency
CV 245 [Not Used]
CV 246 [Not Used]
CV 247 [Not Used]
CV 248 Sound Set Version Identifier
CV 249 Decoder Hardware Model Identifier
CV 250 Month of Manufacture
CV 251 Day of Manufacture
CV 252 Year of Manufacture
CV 253 Code Hash 1 of 4
CV 254 Code Hash 2 of 4
CV 255 Code Hash 3 of 4
CV 256 Code Hash 4 of 4
CV 257

- 512

NMRA Indexed CV Working Area
CV 513

- 891

(Reserved by NMRA)
CV 892 [Not Supported] Decoder Load
CV 893 [Not Supported] Dynamic Flags
CV 894 [Not Supported] Fuel/Coal Level
CV 895 [Not Supported] Water Level
CV 896

- 1024

[Not Supported] SUSI Sound & Function Modules

See Also

Looking to filter down this list into a particular category? Follow the links below to see CV's within specific categories